Wheeler Dealers

‘Who’s the traitor?’ Mike Brewer fires shot at Edd China for leaving Wheeler Dealers

Long time Wheeler Dealers host Mike Brewer is never one to shy away from an argument, and the latest wave of criticism directed at Wheeler Dealers since the shock departure of Edd China has certainly been keeping him busy. But as is usually the way on social media, things can be said in the heat of the moment which one might later regret. Well, this is one of those times.

Responding to a fan on Twitter who suggested that he “ignore the haters”, Brewer replied “Hallelujah.. at last a true fan speaks.”

This caught the attention of @x44dav, who questioned Brewer’s intentions. “So people that stick up for @TheEddChina aren’t true fans? Only people who blow smoke up your arse are true fans?? Says it all. #knifeinback,” he wrote.

In a tweet which was deleted soon after, Brewer hit back.

“Edd left, didn’t say, just abandoned the show and then trashed it after 13 years… who’s the traitor?” – Mike Brewer

Clearly wishing to choose his words more carefully, Brewer followed up with a more measured reply. “Edd Left and didn’t say, yes your right I’m still pulling the knife from my back!”

According to China, his decision to leave Wheeler Dealers was due to the production company’s decision to ‘dumb down’ the very thing which made the show successful in the the first place – in-depth coverage of the fixes performed on the cars in the workshop. Not only are these pieces rather difficult to film, but they’re also time-intensive and as a result more expensive.

Discovery’s decision angered fans, resulting in Brewer being on the receiving end of their venom – which even came in the form of death threats to him and other members of his family.

Brewer has also publicly countered China’s claims that Discovery plans to reduce the workshop aspect of the show in the upcoming season. “There’s no way on earth that anyone has ever suggested that the mechanical content of the show is going to be reduced,” Brewer said. “Where that came from, I don’t know. It is not going to be reduced, Discovery channel are not going to change the format one iota.”

“I’ve got a great new co-host, we’re re-booting the series and it’s going to be phenomenal,” he added.

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Gerald April 28, 2023 at 10:04 pm

Mike Brewer is a typically pompous and big headed “nobody”. His continuous comments of, “look & learn”, “watch what a real man can do” and his inane decisions to drive unknown cars back from Italy etc do not show do not show any intelligence and/or knowledge of motor cars.
Who in their right mind would even consider driving an ancient Fiat 500 back to the UK from Italy, he did exactly the same, with very similar results with the Fiat Dino, crazy.
All Brewer is capable of is acting like a yob behind the wheel, making exactly the same comments every time, his vocabulary is very limited. All he wants to do is thrash every vehicle and try to show how fast a driver he is, he isn’t.
If Edd China was proposed a similar program 99% of us would certainly change to it.

Brian Willis April 20, 2023 at 4:22 am

The inflated Mike Brewer throws away comments like ‘watch and learn /let a real man take over’ and in his case he really means it. He doesn’t know the meaning of conceit and the longer the series goes on the more insufferable he becomes. The brilliant Edd China was far too affable and almost trained Brewer. Edd’s successir Ant didn’t take too much guff from Brewer and did reign him to some extent but Brewer’s sense of self-importance seems indestructible and often shows up his ignorance viz the impression he portrays.
Edd China was rightly proud of his expertise and what the new company would do to minimise his input.
So many followers of WD viewed to see Edd China at work not the bumptious MB turning up to take over the wheel and demonstrate he’s the main man.
Does MB experience moments of modesty – very doubtful – just an ignorant blowhard!!!

Les lindop September 2, 2022 at 8:13 pm

Hi l have been in the crash repair business and wheelled , and dealed in a lot of cars and done a lot of rebuilds ,and can see both sides of the story, mike buys and does all the running around but sometimes they turn out to have more work than you can see , and poor edd is stuck doing the all the work ,but l guess edd should have released that right from the start, end of story it is what it is ,l still enjoyed watching ,all the best for both of them cheers les from Adelaide south Australia,

Alan Harrison January 13, 2021 at 4:30 am

Ido like watching wheeler dealers. Ed and Mike worked very well together but Ant is a very clever man. He obviously shines when he has to design parts for a car. Mike is a typical car dealer who always tries to get things cheaper than the asking price. Some people will say that he is a con man but the seller can always say no. I have got into trouble many times with my wife after watching some of the shows by saying that I fancy getting one of the cars that they have been working on. In particular the Range Rover p 38 diesel which I purchased. I can still feel the pain of the frying pan on the back of my head(thanks Mike). Please keep up the good work and all the best to Ed China. Cheers. Alan

brian May 2, 2020 at 5:31 pm

Edd with his engineering skills will go far without Mike Brewer they could easily run the show without him the new show just skims over the main repairs to the vehicle take a lesson from Tim and Fuz how to run an excellent show.

k February 17, 2023 at 4:51 am


Smokin Joe November 30, 2017 at 9:04 am

This is what happens to nearly every reality show…it becomes popular and then the networks destroy it. It’s unthinkable how people in the business can be so oblivious. But maybe we are the oblivious ones. Maybe they don’t care about the original fans. They dumb it down and that gets more viewers maybe. Hell, I still watch even though the show is 100 times better with Mike and Edd. Ant is a great guy, but he is upbeat, agreeable, like Mike. The show worked better when Edd was a counter-personality.

I’m sure Mike knew this and wanted to keep working with Edd, but Mike has said some ridiculous things. To suggest the new show covers repairs in the same way as the old show is simply insulting. It doesn’t. The repairs are what made the show, and the network either didn’t see that or wanted to change it. Either way, it’s ashame and its a worse show for Edd’s departure. However, it could change. As long as the blood between Mike and Edd isn’t too bad, they could bring him back next season after reading the feedback.

Bob Benevides October 12, 2017 at 2:41 pm

I miss the charm of Edd China’s voice. He made the show interesting and fun. The new guy sounds like he’s giving a lecture in high school. Edd China seemed like a guy that you would really enjoy having a pint with at the local pub. Not so much with the new guy. TELLA!!!

Tim B October 11, 2017 at 10:31 am

Edd’s work was the main reason i watched the show – i learnt quite a bit from him.

If the news series fails to deliver on that need – i’m out..

Chris November 7, 2017 at 6:07 am

I think the show is headed down hill. Edd was the show with detailed repair info, made it really interesting and informative. The show is to quick now, only a very experienced mechanic can follow along. They should have cut out the other guy’s time instead!

C Guillen September 23, 2017 at 7:39 am

There’s no way I will watch the show again,that midget Brewer want it to take most of the credit but in reality the one who did most of the hard work was Ed China,in fact when a car was finished it was that annoying Brewer road testing that vehicle,it doesn’t matter who replace that talented mechanic China but I will not watch the show again.Watch the ratings go down the drain.

M. Parris September 23, 2017 at 1:35 am

The absolutely best part of Wheeler Dealers IS Edd China. He IS the show. Mike Brewer is annoying, he is a useless part of the show. He acts very childish, just plain silly and adds nothing to the show.

All the mechanical aspects of the show is the whole reason I watch the show. Edd is a miracle worker and seeing all the steps taken to repair a car is the best part. Eliminating all those little steps in doing a repair will just take from the show. I do not foresee a good future for Wheeler Dealers – it will become just another useless show.

Dave October 12, 2017 at 1:37 pm

I agree that the mechanical part IS the show and Mike’s part could be done without, for the most part. But it IS Mike’s show and Edd is just a mechanic/paid part of the show. He got a little big in his britches and thought he was more important than he is. This new guy is doing just fine and we’ll ask “Edd who?” soon enough. Although, to be honest, I hope he gets his own show!

Alex P July 29, 2017 at 7:39 am

I find it hard to believe that Edd wouldn’t have said anything after all them years. But even if he didn’t do you blame him ? The show is changing in a direction to cut costs, so “workshop time” will be reduced. For Mike to say that it won’t change, he must be blind cause season 13 is a prime example of being Americanised. Mike is replaceable and considers himself to be the main man of the show, I disagree. It’s all Edd and his mechanical knowledge. Without him (Edd) the show is toast.

Dave October 12, 2017 at 1:34 pm

Anericanised? What does that mean? The show is still 75% mechanical stuff – but Mike is doing part of it. You’re partially right. Without the mechanical part, the show is garbage. But Edd, I suspect, got a little bigheaded, and thought he was more important than the creator of the show, was rebuffed, and left in a huff. Now Mike has a show with a new guy and Edd has nothing. So who’s right? Hard to say, lol


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