The deepest wounds often take years to heal, and such is the case with one of the world’s most popular car shows Wheeler Dealers. After 13 years and some 135 cars, Edd China parted ways with the show almost a year ago with suggestions that Velocity planned to reduce the workshop aspect for Series 14. Edd clearly wasn’t happy, and fans were livid.
“The detailed and in-depth coverage of my fixes in the workshop; what I consider to be the backbone and USP of the programme, are something Velocity feel should be reduced,” China said at the time. “The workshop jobs are certainly the hardest part of the show to make and reducing their substance and role in the show will save the production considerable time, effort and therefore money. However, this new direction is not something I am comfortable with as I feel the corners I was being asked to cut compromised the quality of my work and would erode my integrity as well as that of the show, so I have come to the conclusion that my only option is to let Velocity get on with it, without me.”
Wheeler Dealers co-host Mike Brewer was quick to counter China’s claims: “There’s no way on earth that anyone has ever suggested that the mechanical content of the show is going to be reduced,” Brewer said. “Where that came from, I don’t know. It is not going to be reduced, Discovery channel are not going to change the format one iota.”
So this got us thinking – considering that the workshop forms the backbone of what makes Wheeler Dealers so popular, has anything really changed with the amount of time devoted to it? And who was telling the truth – Mike or Edd?
Well ready the stopwatches, because we’re about to find out!
Wheeler Dealers workshop time – Edd vs Ant
The idea for this analysis is actually rather simple – we chose four random Wheeler Dealers episodes from the Edd China dynasty to try and get a decent cross-section of the workshop times involved. We then watched the episodes through and timed only the segments which showed Edd working on something – and excluded the times where nothing mechanical was actually going on. For example, if Mike and Edd were just talking in the workshop it didn’t count, and neither did the bits where Mike went out to buy or refinish parts. Just Edd’s work, pure and simple. Here’s how it turned out:
Edd China episode workshop times:
- Series 04, Episode 07: 17min 04sec
- Series 07, Episode 02: 19min 51sec
- Series 08, Episode 05: 19min 40sec
- Series 13, Episode 13: 25min 32sec
As you might have noticed, the times above are far from consistent – but they do give you a rough indication of the amount of time typically devoted to Edd’s work. Around 19 to 20 minutes per episode – sometimes more, sometimes less. Some variance is to be expected, as some cars require more work than others.
And now for the comparison. We chose four random episodes from Wheeler Dealers Series 14 – the Ant Anstead dynasty – and applied the same logic to the time Ant spent working or explaining how to fix things.
Ant Anstead episode workshop times:
- Series 14, Episode 01: 17min 58sec
- Series 14, Episode 03: 11min 17sec
- Series 14, Episode 06: 13min 55sec
- Series 14, Episode 08: 18min 53sec
So what can we gather from this information? Although two of the episodes we checked from Wheeler Dealers Series 14 did contain around 18 to 19 minutes of workshop time, the remaining two episodes fell well short of the times we’ve come to expect. Episode 3 contained just over 11 minutes of workshop fixes – with the remaining 33 minutes of the show devoted to other things.
If you calculate the averages of the figures above, the average amount of workshop time for the Edd China episodes comes in at 20 minutes 31 seconds. And for Ant Anstead? An average of just 15 minutes 30 seconds. That’s an average of 5 minutes less time spent in the workshop per episode for Series 14 – or a reduction of around 25% which is a bit disappointing.
So although the Wheeler Dealers format we all know and love hasn’t really changed all that much – apart from a new face – there is a very real possibility that what we’re getting episodes with lighter workshop elements because it is cheaper and easier for Velocity to film.
We’ll continue to keep an eye on Wheeler Dealers as Series 14 continues later this year, to see whether the reduced workshop times continue, or if the episodes we checked are simply the odd ones out. But for now, it sort of looks like Edd China might have been right.
Well I have to confess that I haven’t watched a single episode of WD since Edd left… from the promos and a couple of excerpts of Ant it is obvious the show has turned into a typical American format lacking in the elements of workshop that we all turn in for.
Another motoring show ruined… Top Gear went the same way and now just looks like ‘The One Show’ but with cars and gurning facile presenters who are clearly just sitting on the bench waiting for their next gig. Shame on you BBC.
I don’t dislike Ant, haven’t watched him in other shows but he is no replacement for Edd – sorry not even close. And Mike I’m sure will force a chemistry that will likely (from the YouTube bits watched) fool new viewers to the lite touch format.
No End – no WD.
Workshop time has changed. With Edd it showed what was being done to the car. There always was a little banter in the workshop that increased when it moved to the US, but know it has become an entire comedy routine in place of showing work on the car.
A consent routine that skips over interesting part of workshop repairs and the bad comedy adds nothing to the show.
Ant is only shown doing everything by himself. There are many things that require an extra set of hands and at least with Edd we got to see Paul and others help in the workshop. Ant could lead people to believe that it only takes one person to lift a gearbox, rear diff, bonnet/hood out, only to have hurt themselves and or cause damage to the car, etc.
Some fixes/modifications that Ant has done have been poorly explained or glossed over, which could lead some to think it’s not complicated.
Does Ant give the cars an oil, plugs, filters change? I have not seen it done much.
I wish they would drop the illusionary story of Mike finding a car and then Edd/Ant fixes it for resale, with parts arriving when needed because Edd ordered then on the internet or Mike finding a wrecker/supply just around the corner.
The reality is that the sourcing of the car is done with an in-depth inspections of all faults/issues and the parts sourced before filming is started.
The show is of interest to people that are interested in fixing cars.
Now the show is returning to the UK. The US expedition always looked like a fish out of water. Mike’s interaction with Americans always looked over staged and/or robotic. Guess it’s just the language barrier.
Wheelers & dealers mike is full of shit a terrible show for australian tv , We should be able to sue 9 rush for play this shit show , Mike brewer is a total flog , i think he is gay he seems to like touching blokes all the time . as for Ant for fuck sake he isn’t even a mechanic , he should be doing childrens shows . mike would be 1 of them car salesman you run from tell you bullshit .
I watched every episode with Edd, but stopped when he got replaced. Nothing against Ant, but he looks as if he’s making himself just to be attractive to chicks..
I have them available for streaming, and I was just selecting episodes that looked good. I fast forward thru Brewers opening nonsense and in the early shows it took like 3 to 5 mins, now it is ten mins for these latest episodes. Mr China was right Mr Brewer fell in love with himself and he wanted more air time for him. Shame…
Brewer seems to have a much larger amount of time on screen compared to the pre-American based shows plus the test drive section appears much longer too since the workshop moved to USA.
I had to laugh at the episode with the Nissan that they did the engine upgrade and completely skipped the bit where a custom crossmember was fabricated to fit the new engine and the fuel injection system upgrade was glazed over too.
Yea, the indepth workshop tech is definitely not what it used to be 🙂
The only thing they don’t include with their spend to fix up the car is labour cost…I guess everything is done pro bono…so not really a true cost
I think that rather misses the point, as the programme seems to be aimed at people who are genuinely interested in how the cars are fixed and therefore one assumes also interested perhaps in doing the work themselves thus the labour cost is less relevant and will vary according to how each individual values their own time.
I still miss Edd China and I’m wondering about what he’s been up to these days?
He has not been uploading anything on his youtube channel for a very long time, and it is like he just vanished or sunk into the ground overnight – anyone know what Mr. China doing nowadays?
I hope he’s okay and doing some awesome work somewhere…
It’s all the “almighty dollah” in the USA. Once the money-men got into the act, the show was doomed, at least of the quality we had all grown to love. Along with Edd China, who was as loveable as your favourite Teddy Bear and as professional as a NASA scientist around the cars.
I don’t mind Ant. He is obviously out of his depth as an entertainer and, although a good mechanic, is being forced to offer up offal in what was prime rib with Edd.
I suspect Brewer in all that has happened in this show, along with his collusion with the “suits.” As has been said, he must have been jealous of the sincerity and sheer professionalism of Edd China, (also having to look up at him an all ways, ha!). And I believe he deliberately stabbed him in the back. Shame. But Edd has a lovely family, no doubt a few bucks and a golden future.
I will only continue to watch repeats with Ed, and his YouTube channel. I had my doubts about Antley, being ex-police “Snake Dept”. Some of these comments, indicate he is the perfect partner for treacherous Brewer, who failed to stand up for Edd, and contradicted him, twisting the knife in his back. No surprise he had all that online and telephone abuse! All a massive stain on Discovery Channel. Why did Richard Sutton leave the other Brewer series, years earlier?
I too feel the show is diminished from what it was. And it was apparent from episode 1 with Ant Anstead.
Even when Ant is on screen the mechanical work and informatio he shares is not as in-depth, granular or illustrative as what Edd used to give us. At times it only consists of a description of the work to be done and we don’t even see any of the actual work.
Yet at the same time I am loathe to complain about less Ant Anstead screen time. The less the better.
Bottom line? The show is not as good as it used to be. I no longer enjoy the new version and will only watch repeats from the first 13 seasons.
To be sure, the original show was about the CHEMISTRY! That between Mike and Edd. It was supportive. Once Edd left, that magic was diminished and the show lost some character. I posted that on the FB page and got banned a bit sad to say…for this was about the old phrase, “Follow the money”! Velocity saw an opportunity to profit and took advantage and like in many similar situations, monkeyed the formula that was working successfully and destroyed the CHEMISTRY of the show and appears to be akin to shooting themselves in the foot. Now we see spin–offs. Predictable? Perhaps, and the spin-off seems to be back in the UK. So what’s the future for Wheeler Dealers when there is so much negativity for the new formula that to so many has diminished the soul of the program? Can it be repaired?
Opinion here from a German long-time viewer… Loved Edd’s show, have them all on disc. I can’t stand the new show, mostly because of Ant who may be a good mechanic but is a horrible actor – and acting he is constantly. Never gonna watch the show again.
Got 🇬🇧 flag in back ground but speak about do $ what the hell.!!!
I have watched both and I still like the show. I liked Edd, but I think Ant’s explanations are a bit more technical-so I think I prefer them.
Sure I would like to see more of the fabrication and repair than the [often contrived] negotiations, but let’s face it-if you are reading this site, then you are a car geek…and so am I. My wife rolls her eyes when I watch the show, and she can’t understand why I spend my time on it, even though she sees me working on my cars as well.
They do have to appeal to the other 98% of people out there that wouldn’t know a mig welder if it stung them in the crotch, and don’t have as much interest in the shop time, because those people are who buy the sponsors’ products.
for the love of cars… anstead never done them. his company subbed the work out to ROBSPORT up at royston and MRH hertford.
His company avanta or whatever it is now also bought out the Dax cobra from DJ sportscars harlow and shut it down he just needed the name and the workforce to start his new project building fibreglass cobras at £100k plus each which look unlikely to work.
At last thats what i have been trying to find out, when Ant alledgedly made and fitted the front scuttle repair on the yellow Saab 96 I knew instantly that he did not do it, that repair was carried out by a highly skilled panel maker with a lifetime of experiance and knowhow.
I just don’t get all the complaints about Ant not getting involved enough in the nuts and bolts part of the show. He has his hands in the fix-ups to his elbows. I’ve seen him work on every aspect of the projects from drivetrain rebuilds to replacing headliners, while clearly explaining what he’s up to. I liked Edd too, but think little has been lost in the transition. I understand loyalty to Edd, but it was his decision to leave.
As for Mike, he’s all about the “wheeling and dealing” while contributing some welcome humor . I enjoy this part of the show as well. Nice to see both Euro and American cars being featured. Still my fav auto show.
Although I do like Ant (“For the love of Cars” was great in it’s own right and should have continued) Ed was, and still should be king. Mike really has become an irritating twerp at best and hard to watch at worst. His act hasn’t changed in years and is so stale. Maybe Wheeler Dealers has run its race, it certainly doesn’t belong in the US, maybe Mike likes it over there, come to think of it he does remind me a bit of Mr. Trump.
Anyone with a mechanical mine and an interest in cars loved Edd.
These American car shows with lots of pointless drama and almost no instruction have no interest to me.
I am saddened Wheeler Dealers is going down this path.
I am hoping they see their mistake before it’s too late.
Well, let me leave here a comment from unusual source – I’m not nor British, not American, nobody will consider Russia Europe as well. But I’m also watching WD being in Russia. Yes I’m also terribly disappointed with the show and Mike himself, he’s just more and more posing up as a peacock, while being nothing but a chatty guy, but show is going DOWN! It’s really not of an interest looking at a two peacocks spreading their tails on camera. I’m a professional mechanic and car electrician; nevertheless I was watching ED’s series with a big pleasure. Nothing of that now – just another one stupid American show for fools featuring two peacocks teaching how to turn nuts and bolts.
Yes I am another long time viewer who will now not watch any of the new episodes that don’t have Edd China in them. Do I really want to watch the new guy posing and saying look at me I can bend this metal bar by hand? Then we have Mike Brewer the useless car salesman who didn’t support his partner of years against the network. I suspect he was jealous of Edds popularity. The show could have gone on to greater things if Edd had stayed and Mike had left.
Don’t watch it anymore because it moved to America and Edd left.
Everything is dollars and American cars…. WHY?
I’ve read quite a few articles regarding this spilt, personally I feel they threw the baby out with the bath water when they changed the original format, the format that built the show?
As for Mike Brewer’s account that the show’s format would not change? Mike Brewer is a used car salesman, that’s the gold standard on honesty, shared only with Estate agents and politicians.
I noticed the reduction in the Volvo Pv544 episode usually Edd is really detailed particulary when something is not factory offered so when he is about to install the aircon kinda disappointed when it was shown as already installed and gas and functioning already
show is rubbish now,,,dont get me wrong i like ant,,he has done other good shows ,,but the production is now rubbish more time showing car off,,im a workshop man and like to see the work done,,you see many changes done to car but not shown on camera
was a better show when ATTABOY produced it in the UK and the fallout tween mike and edd was explosive
This show has become a guide to removing the nuts and bolts, because that’s all Ant does in the workshop scenes in recent seasons.
Show has gone downhill in my opinion….. used to love seeing all the finishing touches, now it basically jumps straight to the sale
Ed knows ,what is what.Ed always completes a job too perfection,now we have a dodgy car dealer and a dodgy mechanic.Ed needs a new partner and i would love too partner up,my skills are the purchase barter,plus giving Ed the respect he deserves.A seller needs a shine and the spanner needs the credit.As all shows go cheapen the product and you get a hollow Chinese copy.
Nowadays far too much driving about with pathetic attempts at humour, the old UK series with Edd was FAR superior and I still enjoy watching them.
just watched the two latest episodes and to be honest the show is going down hill so badly. We don’t need to see Mike driving like a teenager or stroking Ant’s face. There were so many items that could have been included in the show from the workshop. I reckon 5 minutes of valuable air time was wasted on visiting the brewery, the timber yard the mine in the C10 episode and then the driving rubbish on the RX7 episode.
Sad but true , miss Ed on the show
Ant comes across as a Saturday morning cartoon character , hopefully network will listen to viewers and get this problem fixed
Will stop watching
Question why does Ant make those stupid and unnatural facial and hand gestures. You are not an actor – you are “supposed” to be a mechanic.
Its not what i thought it would be, there was loads of other mechanics and of screen work happening with ed china aswell but this new american setup with ant anstead is unbearable to watch.
Some of the cars at the end of the programme still look rotten then with the magic of tv the vehicle appears 30 man hours and a fresh paint job later… ye learned a lot there.
Mike probably is a genuine guy but maybe its the wheeler dealer in him that presents us with this feeling he is an ass onscreen.
Also i recently seen ant drilling holes in the floor of a dodge van and not only did he not seal the holes he also did not treat the bear metal he had just drilled, wonder who taught him that trick
Less of the driving it once fixed & acting like STUPID teenagers. Less time wasted when buying the car, which I’m sure is extended just to prove how great he is at buying. Less talking to the camera as if we are complete idiots.. I’ve liked Ant’s other shows but really don’t like him on this, he looks so fake. Too be honest wouldve been better to replace or just remove Edd, I just record each episode & fast forward when he’s on. But the show has got so bad I’m not gonna bother with the next season, I’m going to just watch Car SOS, much better programme, much better consept, much better presenters, just a MUCH better show…
I used to enjoy the old show with Ed. Now it’s weird with the new guy. Mike did Ed wrong I think.
The point is not how much work you can see, it’s about how much you can understand. I remember how they said to fix a Mini in the earliest seasons or a turbo in the latest season, but I have no clue of how to fix anything after watching the Season 13 episodes.
I love Edd, but the last season with him was a disaster. He talked too much about technical stuff and I didn’t really see how to fix many things. Too much speaking and not enough action.
Far too much Brewer now, just tried to watch the new Volvo 850 T5R episode and couldn’t stand it, I had to turn it off.
I lost interest in the show when Edd China left, and although I’ve seen a couple of episodes with Ant Anstead, it is not the same show anymore, its been “Americanized” and as an European I do not like that, too many fake drama dumb a** American “auto repair” shows as it is.
just watched the new series! terrible!!!!! why in America ???? i know really! and how he can get all the parts, his new mechanic, oh dear! he aint no Edd! mr false i call him, his mechanical film shots are so in depth, er not, Mike brewer has sold his soul to the yanks, Wheeler Dealers without Edd is nomore! plus mike is the best dealer ever!! er Not again, So false is this new concept!
Jasper, no offense intended, England certainly has a few noteworthy name plates, but America is where most of the cool cars are.
Typical short sighted management decision. No fun without Edd.
Series lost all appeal after Edd China left. Typical short sighted management decision.
What I don’t get is the value for the shop time. When I add it up they are losing money on just about every build. They might say 30 or 40 hours for repairs but don’t give a cost for this. How much $$$ for labor in Southern California?
Their logic here is that anyone buying, fixing and re-selling cars as a hobby wouldn’t be charging out time to themselves. If it were being run as a business they’d be in trouble!
Ant could be as clever in explaining and fixing as Eddie did
Put just the shame on the producer that simply took a good European format and converted in to a silly American show. Nothing to with the British original…,which could be excellent with Eddie or Ant…
The point is simply that the American way simply sucks anyway !!!
I like both Edd and Ant. While I did like Edd, I sometimes found what he was doing sometimes very long winded. That said I do feel we miss alot of stuff Ant does in the fix up off camera. I personally am more interested in the final product and the money they make.
Also anyone who watches Barrett Jackson car sales, would have occasionally seen Ant and Mike reviewing cars before they go under the hammer.
You reckon Mike would have got that gig still working with Edd?
LOL joking.. I miss Edd, but still like Ant and the show….
Ant hands are never dirty
Actually, Edd wore gloves when messing with dirty parts and such,, which was smart. Ant constantly has his hands in the grease and chemical cleaners without the benefit of gloves. I mentioned this in an earlier post (May 28). I’m not doing “pr” for either man as I enjoy watching them both. Just calling it the way I see it.
One factor which has been missed here: How much time in the Anstead eps is given to *Mr. Brewer* doing mechanical stuff? One notices in the American episodes Mr. Brewer actually going hands-on with the vehicles; and even in the British episodes, Mr. Brewer was shown aiding in the refurb of parts (Mr. Brewer does seem to be a proponent of Small Businesses — “a man and his mate on an industrial estate”; and he has commented more than once on having to be his own mechanic in his early days as a used-car dealer). I’d be interested to see if some the “lost shop time” has been transferred from Mr. Anstead to Mr. Brewer (perhaps Mr. Brewer grew tired of being thought of solely as a “used-car salesman”? 🙂 ).
Seems like the Velocity/Discovery want more built up drama and less technical work. American Chopper was a good show when they we’re building bikes, not baking cookies or taking their dog to a vet. Just look at the new Vegas Rat Rods or Memphis Street Outlaws. Less building and more drama/personal BS. Soap operas should be kept to daytime television.
And Mike Brewer reminds me of a three legged Chihuahua on steroids with an ichy ass.
With Edd I could not wait for the latest episode to come out. Now with Ant I still watch it but I have half the series on my HDD and still haven’t got around to watching them 6 months later.
I really enjoyed the technical stuff that Edd presented.
Never watched one episode since edd left
Your not missing much.
Seriously, remember when Brewer harped on about “the budget”, counting every paintbrush Me China spent, and what he spent it on? Brewer preferring to spend on aesthetics not practicalities? Not with the new boy. Oh no…open wallet…small wonder less time shown of garage work.
Watching old episodes today with Eds on Velocity. Sure was a good show. Don’t care for the episodes with Ant. Never could bear sitting through Mike segment. Didn’t take me long to learn to DVR and fast forward thru his annoying crap.
Not only has workshop time been reduced but now they have Mike brewer doing crappy little jobs we all know hes not skilled at. Used to be a novelty when he did something in the workshop. Now we are supposed to believe he can fix cars?
Money talks clearly so the Americans can have the show in its ‘new’ format which is just like the rest. Wont be long till deadlines and false drama rears its head
I loved to watch Ed do the repairs; I learned a great deal from his in-depth explanations. Velocity has a lot of shows that are more about personalities and very expensive restorations than the cars themselves; which I find very boring; when have they ever shown what these expensive rebuilds cost. Velocity and their blasted auctions, don’t they realize that a majority of the audience are working class motorheads who are interested in fixing or restoring their own pride and joy vehicle. I personally want more how to do and less chasing with miraculous restorations. The only show I do follow on Velocity is Wheeler Dealers the rest of the programs are nonsense and more about advertising.
S13 E4 – Chevrolet LUV 1980 is the Edd China reduced time proof.
It has certainly raised my hackles- I have watched from the start and as I can no longer do anything on a car due to health problems I still love the show in it’s Edd form. I have no desire to become a viewer of the new format as this has left a very sour taste to all who revere in The Tall Man’s knowledge and practical work. I posted on Mike’s site and said this and left him with what all Edd’s fans think; Poor form Mike, poor form.
I still watch, but it’s not nearly as “instructive” or “comprehensive” as it used to be. The show has more “production value” but it really doesn’t teach us anything anymore. We rarely see body work, painting, interiors, or any of the more fiddly work we used to see with Edd, and those are all part of the whole. We’re getting short-changed.
Watch it if you want, don’t if it’s not for you. Bunch of sulking women, I thought it was a show for men and cars.
I agree, The program now is for that kind of full tattooed and stinking fans of noisy cars! ‘Men’, as you say.
“Men” you say…”wee boys” is what you get. Too much playacting and Brewer doing his chubby pal act…and failing miserably.
As to Ant…suitably named as it is all Antics in this show. How to weld. Two mins. Brewer to Edd…”cheap cheap cheap”….Brewer to Ant “new, new new”. All those bicep flexing, flashes of nleached whote fangs…how very…American. And girly.
I’d be interested to see Edd’s time if it was measured using only more recent seasons. Early seasons had more time spent on the history of the car model and the hunt / purchase. If you notice Edd’s times increased over the years.
Well. .. there is something to be said about comparing the later episodes of Eddwith those of Ant: this is what it was when Edd left, so that is what we, the viewers know and love.
And a 25% reduction is significant.
On a personal note: without Edd I never would have done simple repairs on my car, because I never would have known how simple those jobs would have been.
Edd is “Everyman”, the guy who explained things to my simple mind so well that I actually believed I could do what he was presenting. For years I worked a night shift, rushing home at 6:00 am so that I could watch Edd perform his magic on an interesting car, right before my very eyes. Edd used a Powerprobe of one of the episodes, and based on what I learned from him, I purchased my own and it has simplified my emergency equipment installations in Fire Trucks and Patrol cars. I’ve tried watching the new show, but I just can’t get the feeling I had back, and there is no rushing home for WD anymore. I live in the US, and agree the show was better when it was in the UK, but with Edd on the show it could be done in Siberia and I would enjoy it. Thanks To Edd for showing me I can accomplish more than I would have ever dreamed possible. Good luck in whatever you do now!
Load of rubbish bring back Edd far superior,will not watch it again
The new series seems to have departed from the original spirit of the show-that is reviving classic British cars!! I understand that Velocity is now bankrolling the show and, judging by the ever increasing cast list the show has become too unwieldy and has lost it’s relevance to British audiences. Whilst the American cars programmes are interesting the concept of the original programme is getting lost amongst the trucks and gimmicky autos.
The British series was seen as something an enthusiastic amateur could undertake on classic British cars. Given that the show is now geared to the American market, it has lost it’s naive charm. Surely there must be some British classics still out there?
Are the days of Ed taking the car to the spray shop himself or refurbishing the alloy wheels with a scrubbing brush gone forever, only to be replaced by comments like “the car is back from the sprayers” or “the wheels are back from the refurbishers”
Bring the show back to blighty and get back to basics!!!
You are right in every point. As an American I also want the show back in Europe. The older motor cars that Ed worked on was the reason I fell in love the show. To find and repair the cars of yesteryear was just fun to watch. Also now the use dollars and no pounds. I truly miss Ed.
Get rid of Brewer – oh sorry you can’t. It’s the Brewer Show. Edd was right to go, and I feel sorry for Ant having to work with such an irritating psuedo cockney “dealer”. And why shift it all to the USA? Haven’t we got enough with Kindig, Fast n’ Loud, Chasing Cars, Misfit Garage et all??? WD has just lost another viewer.
Right! Trying an imitation of someone, is allways ridiculous.
The weather in English is terrible for filming an outdoors show. California allows the show to film on many, many more days.
If you’re filming in a workshop then the weather is irrelevant. I couldn’t give a toss if it was shot in the Arctic or in a rainforest I just want to see genuine workshop scenes that I can actually learn something from. If I wasn’t to watch people outside in Sunny California There’s any number of tv shows
New series not anywhere near as good as the original series, are we really interested in the American version? having watched two episodes, unlikely to watch further ones! Edd was the star of the original show, Mike was interesting to listen to when buying the vehicles and driving them to the garage. A good show cut back for financial reasons!
Spot on. Ant is fine for what he does, but the show is now a disappointment. I used to watch all of it, but now I despise brewer so much I fast forward anytime I see his bs’ing face. At the end, when you see the finished product now, it’s obvious that a LOT. Of off camera work has been done. Wasn’t this way before. Give Edd his own show. He was the star to begin with. Brewer was always the “used car salesmen” and let’s face facts, he couldn’t even do that very well.
ed series is way much better…now I have stopped watching wheeler due to this new guy and very little talk on mechanical…
WD has been my favorite Velocity Channel show since I started watching 5 years ago. I enjoyed it when Edd was Mike’s side-kick and I enjoy it as much with Ant. I think there is a perfect balance between Mikes “art of the deal” performances and Ant’s mechanical wizardry. Not least of all, I find entertainment value of their often humorous interaction. I am impressed with Ant’s broad knowledge of mechanical fixes for whatever wreck Mike is able to bring wheezing into the shop. Though I can’t figure out why Ant isn’t wearing protective gloves when he’s messing with solvents and the like.
If wheeler dealers was still in UK I believe format would have remained same and ed would still be doing his part ,Ant ended up being Mike side kick due to his renovation and presenting skills and moving to America after marrying his American wife he was great in for the love of cars with actor phil glennistar 3 of the cars got world records at southebys land rover series 1,rhd delorean and Aston Martin vantage based on Aston from on her majesties secret service ,for love of cars was far more about the storie of finding the car in a barn etc,development of car and interviewing owners etc than ant working on restoration and workshop time so I believe that’s why ant replaced ed,ed brilliant engineer he was responsible for cars on topgear i.e double decker cars etc .
Why would anyone want more workshop time for Ant Anstead as he’s an unnatural presenter, he’s more akin to a Saturday morning children’s television presenter.
You are absolutly right, Endrik; Ant is an entertainer. His curiousity for engines or complex systems is equal to zero.
It’s a matter of personalities as much as anything. The different characteristics or personal traits of Edd and Ant on camera at least are obviously going to be different. Edd was on the show 13 years. The “Tall Man” was, and still is to an extent, synonymous with the show. Change after so long is obviously going to seriously divide opinion. For my part, I believe the show has lost a little something with Edd’s departure. Having said that, I’ll give Ant a chance to stamp his own mark on the show. Suffice to say he is definitely used to being in front of the camera. I still cringe a bit watching Edd’s first few episodes on the show. His eventual makeover, (that initial early hair do he had.. oh dear)and confidence and ability in front of camera took time. Fair comment here that Ant is clearly used to being in front of the cameras. That said, if his engineering skills are on a par with EDd’s then I’ll be happy..well ish
Edd China has a university degree in engineering as well as having built numerous wacky vehicles that are in the Guinness book of world records, Ant Anstead is nothing but a self taught talentless famehunter.
Ed was self taught when it came to vehicle mechanics, his University degree is in mechanical engineering. Totally different subject. Ant is an ex Policeman who has taught himself some form of vehicle mechanics, but I’m guessing he has quite a lot of technical help on the show.
Brewer, well what can anyone say about him. Just shows how loyal he was to Edd, without whom he would be nothing.
Uh, Edd left.
Edd left because Mike took the network’s side when they wanted to change the format of the show. Mike should have had Edd’s side in this, but he didn’t. Edd probably thought that threatening to leave would show Mike how much Edd believed that the show shouldn’t be messed with.
Nothing against Ant, but I’ve stopped watching the show. I watched it for Edd, not Mike. And now to see Mike taking the network’s side over Edd, as a loyal viewer for 8+ years, I’m done. Mike should have sided with his friend over his bosses. Long-time viewers could easily see the changes Velocity was making. While I don’t mind a little tweaking, losing Edd was too much of a change. I’m following Edd wherever he ends up.
love two get on yor show great fan of yor show
I like the Edd series, better, I don’t watch it as much as I did before.
But you should! It is very useful: with Ant you learn to buy the spare parts you do not know how to fix ;-))
I completely agree, Ant knocks the suspension to bits and then wallah the cars painted and has a lot of new stuff on, Ant is a seriously good welder though. Ed used to show how to tune carbs, how to crimp lines, lots and lots of stuff for an amateur gear head to watch, he often got help from experts too, one time setting the carbs up on a Lamborghinni, how many times has anyone seen that eh? AlexM, Canada
Ant knows how to look and smile to a camera; he knows all this kind of tricks. We won an actor but lost an engineer.
Not me the new Top gear and new Wheeler dealer on the never to watch list .
ill still watch the old ones but never the new , at least top gear lads were descent enough to not carry on not fastso though
Not only the workshop time has suffered, but the quality as well. I used to feel I was sharing the project – diagnosing the problem, working out how to get to awkward bolts – now there is no information I find useful, or could not get more directly elsewhere. Forgot to look up from my iphone after the third ad.
Spot on. Ant is fine for what he does, but the show is now a disappointment. I used to watch all of it, but now I despise brewer so much I fast forward anytime I see his bs’ing face. At the end, when you see the finished product now, it’s obvious that a LOT. Of off camera work has been done. Wasn’t this way before. Give Edd his own show. He was the star to begin with. Brewer was always the “used car salesmen” and let’s face facts, he couldn’t even do that very well.
My thoughts exactly, salesman vs mechanic. The show was really about the mechanics of ‘restoring’ a vehicle.
To be honest. It’s done and dusted now. Water under the bridge. Edd is very good but then so is Ant. Mike chose Ant to move forwards with and that they have done. Would I like more workshop time. Yes! Howwever, the program has to suit everyone so a compromise is needed.
Let’s just hope that Edd does his own thing (Maybe like Mark Evans did) and the viewers will be the winners as there will be two excellent programs to watch with very capable people presenting then
It’s not about workshop time, Eds workshop time and problems were specific to that car. Ants are just general.
Quite right, way too general. “How to fix a dented door” and “change a fuel filter” were of little value in the Opel GT episode.
While your calculations may indeed prove Edd was right, that doesn’t explain that Ant gets far more done in less time, and in a far more interesting way than Edd ever did. Ant is a breath of fresh air for Wheeler Dealers and a much better presenter than Edd.
Actually more mechanical work happens off screen in the new series.
Far less poncing about buying the vehicle would be good that bit bores the hell out of me I usually fast forward to the bit where Ant sees the car outside of the workshop.
Re. “Bollocks”, If poss, please explain?
I preferred it when it was filmed in the UK,buying the older cars,and with Ed fixing them,the new Guy should stick to acting.
I thought Ant Anstead was a car restorer not an actor? Just go watch “For The Love of Cars” on motortrend (amazon prime subscription – I believe it is $4.99). You also get access to Series 1 – 17 of Wheeler Dealers.
Ant doesn’t have nearly the charisma Edd does and he allows too much editing on the repairs..
Bring Back Edd China
I like ant a lot but still prefer the English setting. Seems better and more well friendly! American setting just don’t feel right! Ya’ll know what a mean don’t cha?
Much prefer old format with Edd. New series overall just seem a little bit naff.
Ant is good to watch and very talented for sure, but Edd had more personality and thorough to explain processes in detail. Bring back Old format & Edd !!
Edd was far better the show is unwatchable for me now.
I totally agree, I can’t watch the show now without Ed and season 13 episode 4 really made me see Ed was right. You hardly saw any work on the interior, how they did the seats or carpet for a start. The show is unbearable without Ed and Mike calling out Ed, for me is very disappointing.
Yeah ant is a ant. Lets see, he scooped in after Edd got into it with Wheeler Dealer. Then he did the exact same to his now wife after her and her first husband got into a fight. It shoes what kind of pos he really is. I guess you’re a pos kind of person too!
Ok I much preferred Ed China, He was far more charismatic and informative than Ant,
Unfortunately I won’t be watching it anymore as it just doesn’t have the same appeal with out Ed.
You when watch terminator with Arni and without
That’s exactly with wheeler dealers. Ed is the Arni for wheeler dealers.
And Ant is really annoying.