Budget: £15,000
Purchase Price: $23,000 (£14,000)
Final Cost: £18,160
Selling Price: £20,000
Profit/Loss: +£1,840
Work Completed: Front wheel bearings replaced, new gear linkage installed to sort poor gear select problem, faulty power steering pump replaced, modified rear spring hangers replaced with stock ones, faulty headlamp motor replaced so signature headlamps open and close properly, signature horn from The Dukes of Hazzard installed.
Notes: Purchased near Dallas, Texas, and driven to Paris, Texas, to pay a small tribute to the film of the same name before being shipped back to the UK. Second-hand parts purchased at a junk shop in Arizona. Restoration price includes £1,840 shipping, £777 import tax, £1000 travel expenses. Restored car was tested at a quarter-mile drag strip, where Mike clocked in at 18.056 seconds and Edd did 17.048 seconds. Sold at asking price with a full tank of petrol.