Budget: £5,000
Purchase Price: £5,000
Final Cost: £9,565
Selling Price: £10,500
Profit/Loss: +£935
Work Completed: Full body respray from textured satin black and blue to Whistler White. Replaced the wiring loom for the fuel injectors due to failed connection to injector #3. Black/blue 22″ rims refurbished to graphite. Refurbished all of the blue interior trim to carbon fibre style using a water transfer print method. Replaced air suspension compressor as failed piston ring in original unit was unavailable as a spare part. Replaced headlamps, bumper, front grill and rear lights with 2007 facelift units. Steering wheel emblem restored.
Notes: Project was unique, as it involved reverting a heavily customized car to near-factory spec. Outside temp indicator showing minus 40°C left unfixed.