Top Gear Series 24 may be off to a good start so far, but there are a growing number of fans who are worried about Chris Harris’s seemingly new on-screen persona. Put simply, think Harris is starting to act a bit like the hugely unpopular ex-Top Gear host Chris Evans, and they don’t like what they’re seeing.
“Chris Harris is turning into last season’s Chris Evans,” one viewer remarked on Twitter. “Chris Harris has no likeable qualities to engage the viewer. He thinks irony/charisma is achieved by insulting people,” wrote another.
Other viewers have branded him as being ‘insulting’, ‘rude’ and ‘annoying’, while questions have also been asked regarding the decision to devote more screen time to Harris over Matt Le Blanc, who was expected to become the main presenter following Evan’s departure.
Twitter user LukeAlt1c added: ‘Tone it back Chris Harris, you’re trying a Chris Evans level of hard.’
Despite Harris’s try-hard antics in the Top Gear studio, we felt like he appeared to be much more at home behind the wheel of the Ferrari FXX K, and similarly enjoyed the role he played during the cheap car challenge in Kazakhstan.
And while the studio segments for Top Gear Series 24 Episode 2 have already been filmed, there is a chance that Harris and the Top Gear team will take feedback on-board and tone things down for the remaining episodes. We saw the same thing happen with Chris Evans in Series 23 – who became noticeably less shouty in the studio from Episode 3 onwards. However, there was nothing the Top Gear team could do to fix the other segments, because they’re filmed months in advance.
What did you think of Chris Harris’s attitude in Episode 1 – over-the-top or about right?
Chris Harris is fine when he’s talking and driving cars. but the segment when he’s supposedly ‘teaching’ the celebrities to drive is contrived, not funny and basically crap.
He can drive like a champion and is passable with the other segments of the show.
Chris Harris is perfect!
Knows his cars and can drive them unlike Evans.
Obviously you’re offended because he has some personality. Bore off with your nonsense.
Looks Fine To Me
Didn’t notice it.
I think he’s fine , it’s possible some are just pining stuck on him cause Evans is gone so they need someone else to poke n pick at , in essence some won’t be happy until the original 3 come back etc and that will never ever happen ever so need to just deal with it .