The Grand Tour

James May could leave The Grand Tour after just 5 years

The Grand Tour may currently be surfing the huge wave of global popularity right now on Amazon Prime since it debuted last month, but James May has already given an indication that his years on the show might be numbered.

He, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond have signed up for three years of the The Grand Tour, but in a recent interview May has indicated that he might step down from the small screen after just five years. Clarkson will be close to 60 by then.

“We have to accept that fairly soon we will be too old for it,” May said. “Richard Hammond is a reasonably fit bloke who looks after himself. Me and Jeremy aren’t.”

Jeremy is particularly decrepit and I find growing within me – I try to fight it for some reason, but I’m giving into it – a much stronger, nesty sort of instinct. Within the next five years, I don’t want to be fart-arsing around.”

“I don’t have to do it for ever. Eventually, I want some other people to do it,” May said. We had more energy in the old days, because we were younger and less knackered.”

They may have had a filming schedule similar to a rock group’s world tour but it seems age has caught up with them. May says: “We don’t live like AC/DC or Led Zeppelin did. We don’t fall out of the back of limousines vomiting or snorting drugs from the navels of nubile 22-year-olds. Often we have a cup of tea and go to bed.”

Supporting his show James May: The Christmas Reassembler, which airs on December 28 on BBC Four, the presenter admitted that there’s no way Jeremy would ever appear as a guest on his show – because they are very different people.

“No. He’s not interested,” May said. “We’re so different. I don’t want Jeremy Clarkson anywhere near my shed or my toolbox or my piano. He’s interested in fashionable restaurants and celebrity gossip – I’m not interested in those.”

New episodes of The Grand Tour will also continue to be available to stream every Friday during the festive period.

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the guy with no name December 8, 2016 at 6:41 pm

“Eventually, I want some other people to do it”

Clearly James hasn’t seen new TG. lol

vancouver bill December 7, 2016 at 6:03 am

not a surprise really.
I am 62 and retired. -well I tend a flock of etfs . but otherwise a very quiet life with the odd festive beer up.
and frankly, rest is called for between these infrequent celebrations….
back in the day ,of course it was different.
I wonder if Richard will assume the lead eventually and find other like minded individuals to bring us some new adventures…
James being filmed pottering about his shed suits me fine. spot on about tool lending. its a very common outlook on tool lending dont even ask as far as I am concerned…
unpleasantly cold here in Vancouver today…I see we are getting a real snowstorm on thursday.
I thought when my friend Graeme put snows on his truck in November we would be spared…so I didnt put them on this year…didnt work.
not looking forward to putting them on the old sub I have to say.


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